Lacking the access to broadband is a complex problem, even though 3 in 4 people have access to it there is an issue with how regularly people can access it. Multidimensional digital inequality is when you break down the frameworks that make up the digital divide. So, when talking about the lack of access to broadband there are 5 key aspects to think about:
1.Does the person or household have access to the technology necessary to access the internet?
Technology is getting more and more expensive, and even the cheapest laptop model or tablet might be out of reach for many.
2.Does the household have to compete for internet access?
Multiple family members sharing one device can prove to be difficult for students and parents.
3.Is the internet monitored? Do they only have a certain amount of access to it?
Some families only have access to certain amount of internet access. Is the limit an hour a day? Two hours a day?
4.How do the users react and engage with simple/basic digital knowledge--aka media literacy?
If a child is fortunate enough to receive a school provided device, are they able to use it properly? Do they have digital literacy?
5.Why do they need the internet?
Do they need it specifically for work? For school?
The internet has become such a vital part of our lives that we could consider it a necessity. However, the disparate access to the Internet and digital devices corresponds with inequalities in income, education, race and ethnicity, age, immigration status, and geography.
The internet has become an important tool to take advantage of opportunities like education, employment, health, social services, and general knowledge, yet those who are most in need of this tool are the least able to access it.
Low income children are four times less likely to have access to broadband internet than their middle- and upper-class counterparts; and are vulnerable to the detrimental effects of lack of access to this technology.
People with digital literacy aren't afraid to incorporate technology into their education, and are less hesitant to look for information online. As the skill gap widens more and more people are left behind.
Image courtesy of Wix